The Landesmusikrat NRW
The Landesmusikrat is the umbrella association for music associations and societies in the state of North Rhine Westphalia (NRW). Its legal form is that of a registered, non-profit association. Its members include 20 individuals and 55 societies, groups, organisations and institutions which reflect the diversity and interests of musical life in the region.
Its constituent bodies are the General Meeting and the Executive Committee which consists of the president, four vice presidents, up to five committee members, a treasurer and an honorary president. The vice presidents are the respective chairpersons of the four working groups of the Landesmusikrat: Music education, training and research (AG1), Youth music (AG2), Amateur music (AG3), Music as a profession, in the media and in commerce (AG4).
The daily operations of the Landesmusikrat take place at its head office based in Düsseldorf, the state capital of North Rhine Westphalia.
Objectives and Responsabilities
The musical landscape of North Rhine Westphalia is one of the densest in the world. From early music to pop, a kaleidoscope of stylistic varieties has evolved. Hundreds of thousands of people in NRW are musically active as professionals or as passionate amateurs. Many of them are in associations and organisations. As the umbrella association, the Landesmusikrat represents their interests in politics and the media.
Such a dense cultural landscape requires intensive measures to nurture young musicians. The Landesmusikrat motivates and encourages the musical talents of children and youths through regular competitions. Furthermore, it supports the state youth ensembles where the prize winners can make music together in a professional atmosphere.
The Landesmusikrat provides the regional music scene with a forum for discussions. Working groups and committees develop ideas, widen networks and evaluate conditions. Its administrative office covers the groundwork, supervision and documentation.
The Landesmusikrat is committed to amateur music-making in NRW. Additionally, it supports professional artists and art managers, advocates music in the social fringes and fights for the innovative and inclusive power of music in NRW.
We advocate
- supporting and promoting musical awareness in NRW
- music education
- fostering the talents of highly gifted young musicians
- music-making in all stages of life, from early childhood to old age
- vocal and instrumental music
- world music as well as German folk songs
- traditional and contemporary music
We ask ourselves
- Do all children and youths in NRW have the opportunity to become actively involved in music while they are growing up?
- What can we do to adequately foster young musical talents?
- How can the working conditions of the many choirs and music associations in NRW be improved?
- How can freelance musicians make a living from their art?
- How can NRW‘s rich cultural landscape of orchestras, theatres and festivals be preserved for future generations?
Together with our partners we are sponsor and patron of
- Competitions: Jugend musiziert – Jugend singt – Jugend komponiert – Rock – Global Music – Jugend jazzt – Schulen musizieren – Klasse musiziert – Landes-Chorwettbewerb – Landes-Orchesterwettbewerb
- Youth Ensembles: Landesjugendorchester –Landesjugendchor – Landesjugendakkordeonorchester – Junge Bläserphilharmonie – Jugendzupforchester – Jugendjazzorchester – Studio Musikfabrik: Jugendensemble für Neue Musik – SPLASH: Perkussion NRW – Kammermusikzentrum NRW
The Youth Ensembles in North Rhine-Westphalia
North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the densest music regions in the world. Every year, more than 5,000 talented children and youths take part in competitions, including “Jugend musiziert“ and “Jugend jazzt“. The Landesmusikrat NRW alongside cooperating societies and associations offer prize-winners the chance to play together in regional youth ensembles under professional conditions. A children's orchestra is also available for the youngest.
Remarkable ensembles have been created in this way. From a youth jazz orchestra to a youth symphonic orchestra , a total of eight different ensembles as well as the children‘s orchestra cooperate on a regular basis to give concerts in Germany and abroad, including family concerts and innovative concert formats.
Artistic directors of distinction and the organisers ensure attractive and innovative programmes, while the young musicians provide outstanding interpretations.
Objectives of the Regional Youth Ensembles:
- The promotion of talented musicians by facilitating interaction in larger ensembles
- Sustainable integration of young talent from NRW into cultural life in Germany and regular concert tours abroad as cultural ambassadors
- The offer of a coherent follow-up project following a prize in the state competition "Jugend musiziert NRW" or "Jugend jazzt NRW"
- Promoting social cohesion among young people in the ensembles
- The challenge of the young musicians through concert and tour situations under professional conditions and in large venues
Here are a list of the ensembles as well as their supporting associations in addition to the Landesmusikrat NRW:
- Junge Bläserphilharmonie NRW – Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW
- Jugendzupforchester NRW – Bund Deutscher Zupfmusiker NRW
- Landesjugendorchester NRW – Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW
- Landesjugendakkordeonorchester NRW – Deutscher Harmonikaverband NRW
- Landesjugendchor NRW – Chorverband NRW
- Jugend Jazz Orchester NRW – Verein zur Förderung junger Jazzmusiker in NRW
- Splash: Perkussion NRW – Landesmusikrat NRW
- Studio Musikfabrik – Musikfabrik
- Kinderorchester NRW – Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW
- Kammermusikzentrum NRW – Verein zur Förderung von Landesjugendensembles NRW
Contact: Landesmusikrat NRW, Michael Bender, Klever Str. 23, 40477 Düsseldorf
Ph: 02 11 /86 20 64-18, Fax: 02 11 /86 20 64-50 or -51, Email: m.bender(at)
The administrative office of the Landesmusikrat NRW e.V. is funded by